Here are some thoughts from the children about their experiences in Year 3
'I loved creating the cereal packet adverts for persuasive writing because it was so creative.' Sasha
'I like Maths because you get to learn things not just normally but in a fun way. It's because this school is not just about learn, learn, learn but also about fun and friendship.' Daniel
'We enjoyed designing our own apps and creating our World Cup posters.' Romilly and Harriet
'I really enjoyed creating our poster about our favourite author because it was really interesting and fun.' Freddie
'I really enjoyed Noisy Things because you can make cool music whilst wearing headphones.' Will
'I loved when we made computer games. I made a 2-player game about a detective and a zombie.' Charlie
I really enjoyed doing our celery project; it was interesting when the leaves of the celery turned blue.' Arya
'We did a fun experiment with boiled eggs, coke, vinegar and water. We were testing what would happen to our teeth if we do not look after them!' Ibby
'We enjoyed Sir Teachalot visiting us. We learned loads about WWII; he threatened to shoot us if we were naughty!' Tristan
'We enjoyed learning about the Ancient Egyptians. It was fun going to the British Museum.' Chloe and Teddy
'I like Geography because we learnt all about the world's temperature and different types of climate maps.' Ellen
'I like Art because you can mix colours up and do wonderful drawings and you don't have to do any writing. my favourite drawing was of a World War 2 drawing of the Blitz.' Colby, 3H
'I love Art. My best bit this year was when we did our animal paintings. I did a Bald Eagle.' Tristan
'We enjoyed designing and making our calendars. Our families loved receiving them as Christmas presents.' Romilly and Alexander
'I enjoyed designing our African masks for the Art and Design and Technology Exhibition.' Annabel and Florence
'I like D.T. because it tells me how to draw, design and sketch, like the time I made a calendar.' Grace
'I liked writing the fact files on Nelson Mandela and Florence Nightingale in RE. It was great to learn about people who care.' Anjeli
'I loved learning how to play the cello with the Richmond Music Trust. I had so much fun!' Jasper
Outdoor Games
'I really liked the football and the running. Basketball and netball skills were really helpful too. In fact it was all brilliant!' Ethan K and Russell
Indoor PE
'It was amazing fun we got the wall apparatus and the bar out and the different colour mats for going under like a tunnel.' Ethan K and Russell
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