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Starting the Day on a High Note: Collis Primary School’s Morning Music


As the school gates open each morning at Collis Primary School, children and parents are greeted not just by friendly faces, but by lively, uplifting music. This daily tradition is part of the school’s innovative approach to fostering a positive and engaging learning environment.


Head Teacher Kevin Hogston explains the rationale behind this unique practice: "We believe in starting each day with joy and positivity. Playing music as the children enter school creates a fun and uplifting moment for both pupils and parents, setting a positive tone for the day ahead."


The idea is rooted in the principles of social and emotional learning, championed by experts like Daniel Goleman, author of "Emotional Intelligence" and "Social Intelligence." Goleman highlights the profound impact of mood on learning and overall well-being. He recounts the story of Govan Brown, a New York City bus driver known for his warm greetings and engaging interactions with passengers. Brown's ability to connect and uplift those around him exemplifies social intelligence, a critical skill that enhances interpersonal relationships and creates a supportive environment.


At Collis Primary School, the morning music initiative aims to mirror these principles. By fostering a cheerful and welcoming atmosphere, the school helps pupils start their day in a good mood, which research shows can significantly enhance learning. Positive social interactions in the morning can boost brain chemicals like oxytocin, counteracting stress and improving cognitive function.


Parents have responded enthusiastically to the initiative. "It’s such a wonderful way to start the day," says one parent. "You can see the children’s faces light up as they hear the music. It sets a positive tone for everyone."


This practice is part of Collis Primary School’s broader commitment to integrating social and emotional learning into their curriculum. By focusing on emotional well-being, the school aims to equip pupils with the skills they need to succeed both academically and personally. Empathy, self-awareness, and resilience are just a few of the qualities that are nurtured through these efforts.


As the music plays and the school gates welcome another day, Collis Primary School continues to set a shining example of how small acts of positivity can make a big difference in the educational experience.


If you can recommend a good song to start the day, please email the school with your suggestions.


Film showing the morning welcome 'Arriving at Collis'- click



TfL Gold Accreditation for Walking to School Initiatives





We are thrilled to announce that Collis Primary has been awarded the TfL Gold Accreditation for our efforts in promoting sustainable travel. TfL’s Travel for Life programme supports young Londoners in adopting safer, healthier, and more eco-friendly travel habits. This prestigious Gold status reflects our commitment to reducing car use and increasing the number of families using sustainable transport for the school run.


Over the past three years, we have completed 25 travel activities, 15 supporting projects, and eight community consultations. Through these efforts, we have achieved a remarkable 6% reduction in car usage, with 90% of our school journeys now made using sustainable means.


A special thank you to Austa Wilson for her dedication and hard work in leading the successful application for this award.


PSHE Curriculum Changes Parental Consultation

Still image for this video

Please click below for some advice and tips for how to support your child's mental health.


Children’s mental health – Every Mind Matters – NHS (www.nhs.uk) – Provides NHS-endorsed tips to help parents and carers spot the signs that children may be struggling with their mental health and how to support them; and provides advice that can help maintain good mental wellbeing.




Healthier Families – Home – NHS (www.nhs.uk) – supporting families to stay healthy through diet and exercise.



NSPCC - Children's charity 





Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” ― Aristotle.




Here at Collis, we believe PSHE is a vital and intrinsic part of all pupils’ education. In order to provide engaging, relevant and inclusive teaching and learning, we follow the Jigsaw Primary PSHE programme, including Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RSE). We use Jigsaw as a basis for our lessons in order to give children at Collis the best PSHE teaching and learning available. The Jigsaw scheme places a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, equipping children at Collis with skills needed for everyday life not just while they are at Collis, but also beyond into their future. Our intention is that when children leave Collis, they will do so with the knowledge, understanding and emotions to be able to play an active, positive and successful role in today’s diverse society.


Our PSHE curriculum develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills which will enable children to access the wider curriculum and prepare them to be a responsible citizen now and in their future roles within a global community. Our Relationships and Sex Education enables our children to learn how to be safe, and to understand and develop healthy relationships throughout their lives both at Collis and in their future lives. The Jigsaw scheme places a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, equipping children at Collis with skills needed for everyday life not just while they are at Collis, but also beyond into their future.  Collis also teaches mindfulness, allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus. This takes place in our state- of- the- art wellbeing room, a special space for children to relax and meditate.


Collis compliments the Jigsaw scheme with its 5Cs (Courage, Collaboration, Care, Creativity and Challenge) and 4bs (be a learner, be safe, be responsible, be respectful). The 5Cs and the 4Bs underpin the expectations Collis has of its pupils.





PSHE at Collis is a significant and valued part of school life. All pupils benefit from weekly sessions focussing on managing emotions, keeping ourselves and others safe, respecting and including all and learning to make the world a better place. These lessons can be taught in our designated wellbeing room, as well as the classroom. We are incredibly fortunate to have this exciting space to develop the children’s mental wellbeing, understanding of ourselves and others and to practise calmness. It is a fantastic place where you will find PSHE lessons, circle time, relaxation and meditation taking place. PSHE is interwoven with the 5Cs and 4Bs and immersed in the daily life of the school Well-being is prioritised, we have a well-being teacher supporting individual children, classes, groups, teachers and parents.


EYFS – In the Foundation Stage, PSHCE is taught as a fundamental part of topic work and is embedded throughout the curriculum. The objectives taught are from the Personal, Social and Emotional Area of Learning in the EYFS Framework. Nursery and Reception also uses the Jigsaw Scheme of Work materials (see below)


Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 - Pupils are taught PSHE using ‘Jigsaw’ which is a spiral, progressive scheme of work, covering At Key Stage 1 and 2, PSHE is taught through a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum, which comprehensively covers the statutory Health Education and Relationships Education guidance. 


There is a strong emphasis on emotional Literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. It includes mindfulness to allow children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus. To compliment Jigsaw we also implement Zones of Regulation as a strategy to support the children’s mental health. We recognise the importance of promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing to our students and their families. By implementing the Zones of Regulation curriculum we aim to teach our pupils to identify emotions in themselves and others and provide them with bank of strategies to help regulate their emotions and improve their wellbeing.


We understand that the personal and social development of each child has a significant role in their ability to learn and achieve. As PSHE is so integral to everyday life, it can be seen in all aspects of the Collis experience. Crucial life skills, such as keeping ourselves and others safe is also taught through Cycle Proficiency training (Y6), Safer Walking (Y2), road safety (all years) and water safety (all years). We embody our school value of learning to make the world a better place by reaching out to the community, through singing to the elderly at Local residential homes, Harvest festival collection and monthly charity cake sales.


At Collis, Relationships and Sex education is taught at explicitly age appropriate levels throughout the school. This is crucial for children to develop relationships with themselves and others. We also teach aspects of Sex Education that is covered in our Science Curriculum. Alongside this we teach about different kinds of relationships, including same sex relationships, and gender identity because it is important that our children should have an understanding of the full diversity of the world they live in and be prepared for life in modern Britain. The Sex Education aspects of PSHE are also taught through the ‘Jigsaw’.


PSHE is taught through Jigsaw’s six half termly themes with each year group studying the same unit at the same time (at their own level):


Autumn 1: Being Me in My World
Autumn 2: Celebrating Differences (including anti-bullying)

Spring 1: Dreams and Goals

Spring 2: Healthy Me

Summer 1: Relationships

Summer 2: Changing Me (including Relationships and Sex Education)


It also identifies links to British Values and is taught in such a way as to reflect the overall aims, values, and ethos of the school; ‘To make the world a better place’.


Wider Curriculum


  • Annually, all pupils will celebrate Friendship Week and Odd Sock day, celebrating difference and acceptance of all.
  • We hold events for World Mental Health Day and Safer Internet Day.
  • E-Safety is of upmost important to keep pupils safe in the modern world. This includes our ‘think then click’ policy, as well as regular e-safety lessons. Parents benefit from guest speakers from AfC advising how to keep their child safe online.
  • Visitors such as emergency services and the school nurse complement our PSHE curriculum to offer additional learning.
  • We encourage our pupils to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community and in Key Stage 2 children are invited to be part of the school council.
  • Assemblies are linked to PSHE and cover any additional sessions that would benefit the whole school.
  • Displays throughout school on the Collis 5Cs and the 4Bs compliment and reinforce the PSHE curriculum enabling children to make links to their learning in school and beyond.




Teaching PSHE this way, provides children with a cohesive vision, helping them to understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world. By the time children leave Collis School they will:

  • Be able to approach a range of real life situations and apply their skills and attributes to help navigate themselves through modern life both physically and mentally.
  • Be on their way to becoming healthy, open minded, respectful, socially and morally responsible, active members of society.
  • Appreciate difference and diversity.
  • recognise and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and Liberty
  • Be able to understand and regulate their emotions and knowing strategies to help them in difficult situations.
  • Be aware of their mental health and well-being and the importance of them.
  • Be able to develop positive, healthy relationship with their peers both now and in the future.
  • Understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level
  • Have respect for themselves and others.
  • Have positive self esteem and show empathy.