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National Support School 2016-2022

Kevin Hogston, Headteacher from Collis Primary School appears in Leaders Council podcast alongside Lord Blunkett - October 2020

The Leaders Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is currently in the process of talking to leadership figures from across the nation in an attempt to understand this universal trait and what it means in Britain and Northern Ireland today.


Kevin Hogston from Collis Primary School was invited onto an episode of the podcast, which also included an interview with Lord Blunkett. Host Scott Challinor asked both guests a series of questions about leadership and the role it has played in their careers to date.


Scott Challinor commented, ‘Hosting a show like this, where you speak to genuine leaders who have been there and done it, either on a national stage or within a crucial industry sector, is an absolute honour.’


Lord Blunkett, chairman of The Leaders Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland said, ‘I think the most informative element of each episode is the first part, where Scott Challinor is able to sit down with someone who really gets how their industry works and knows how to make their organisation tick. Someone who’s there day in day out working hard and inspiring others. That’s what leadership is all about.’


You can listen to the podcast in full here:






Collis Primary School was designated in July 2016 as a ‘National Support School’ by the National College of School Leadership. This designation is in recognition of our previous Ofsted inspections, our academic results, the work that we are doing in supporting the training of new teachers, the range of our CPD training programmes and our strong record in successfully providing school-to-school support to others that have needed our help.


In all cases this support has had a positive impact on pupil outcomes. Our skilled and experienced staff offer support to a range of schools developing teaching and learning and leadership both locally and nationally. Whilst National Support Schools are designated to support schools in challenging circumstances, other ongoing support and training is available for any school who wishes to seek high quality teaching, learning and CPD support from outstanding teachers and school leaders at all levels.


Our Head Teacher, is a National Leader of Education 2016-2022 and currently (2022-present) he is the chair of the school improvement support group, made up of representative headteachers across Richmond and Kingston that feeds back to the Director of Education at AFC (Kingston and Richmond).


Our continuous professional development programme is available to all schools and is available to view at the foot of this page.


We welcome contact and visits from schools wishing to engage in partnership work. Please contact info@collis.richmond.sch.uk




To find out more about the CPD speakers we have welcomed to Collis Primary School since January 2016 please click here.