On Friday, November 10th, 2023, our Collis school council met with our dedicated Collis governors. During this meeting, our pupils shared their thoughts on school safety, their happiness, the lessons they're learning, and their love for reading.
The purpose of the Governing Body is to help Collis provide the best possible education for its pupils. Its role has three aspects:
There are 14 members, each of whom is appointed for a four year term, after which time they may seek re-election.
Full members are drawn from four areas of the school community:
Associate Members may also be appointed.
It is important to note that, although these members are representative of the school community, they are not intended to represent the views of the particular community from which they are drawn. Once elected or appointed, members should always act in what they consider to be the best interests of the school and bear in mind the seven principles of public life, which are:
Governors must also accept collective responsibility for all decisions taken, regardless of whether they personally voted for them and ensure that the detail of discussions in meetings, including the votes of individual governors, remain confidential. This latter point is crucial for ensuring mutual trust, which is essential for effective school governance.
The current members of the Governing Body are:
Chair - Michael Bailey
Vice Chair - Helen Samuel
Co-opted Governors – Michael Bailey, Wendy (known as Alison) Beardon, Trent Bulgin, Thomas Dawson, Graham Hogben, Johanna Kitson Cooke, Penelope Madoc-Jones, Oliver Tucker and Amy Vogel
Parent Governors – Donna Littman and Helen Samuel
Staff Governors – Kevin Hogston and Katharine Lawrence
Local Authority Governor – Hannah Mackenzie
Associate Members – Tri Bannister and Penny Hamilton
Clerk – Rebecca Clake
Should you be considering standing for election to the Governing Body, we recommend you contact the Chair of Governors to arrange to attend a meeting before election so that you can reach an informed decision about whether you wish to be involved in school governance.
Meetings of the Governing Body and Committees
The full Governing Body meets at least once a term. Parents and staff are welcome to approach the chair to ask for an invitation to attend meetings as observers, except where confidential matters are to be discussed.
Much of the work of the Governing Body is done through committees, which meet once or twice per term. Governors usually sit on one committee but may also join a further committee.
The Chairs of these Committees are appointed at the first meeting of the academic year.
If you would like to view the minutes from a Governor meeting please visit our school office to request a copy.
Normally, any issues concerning the running of the school should, in the first instance, be addressed to a member of Collis staff or the Senior Leadership Team (Kevin Hogston, Sophie Macartney, Melissa Humphries). However, should any issue be unresolved via this route or should an issue arise which you would prefer not to discuss with a member of staff, you may contact a governor on the following email address: info@collis.richmond.sch.uk. Messages may also be left for governors at the school office.
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