Background |
The Pupil Premium is an allocation of funding, in addition to main school funding, which schools receive according to the number of children in specific groups.
Schools receive Pupil Premium funding for:
All children who are eligible for free school meals (FSM)
All children who have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years
All children who have been looked after by a local authority, or children who have left local authority care on a special guardianship order or child arrangements order.
All children who have parents in the armed forces.
The government awards the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) to:
Raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities to reach their potential
Support children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces
It is up to schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, but the funding should be used to support these children. All schools are required to publish, on their websites, the funding they have received and how the money is being used.
At Collis, the grant is allocated to initiatives to ensure pupils reach their full potential, both academically and socially. The school aims to raise the attainment and progress of pupils eligible for the PPG so that their performance is in line with pupils who are not entitled to the PPG (both nationally and within their own school).
Please read the Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2023 for more information. A review of the impact of the 2021-2022 Strategy can be found at the end of the new 2022-2023 Strategy.
A review of our practices in relation to children entitled to the Pupil Premium was carried out in May 2019 by Achieving for Children. It identified many strengths in relation to how the grant has been spent to raise attainment of disadvantaged children, our thorough approach and the teaching and learning strategies employed in the school. Please see the report below.
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