Administration of medicines in school
If children are well enough to attend school, we are able to administer medically prescribed medicines at lunchtimes only, providing a medication administration consent form is completed. A copy of the form can be downloaded below. The following procedure should be followed:
- Parents/carers must deliver medication to the teaching assistant attached to their child’s year group.
- Medication must be in a sealed container clearly named. Out of date medicines cannot be administered.
- Medicines must pass from adult to adult – children should not handle medicines.
- Medicines requiring refrigeration will be stored in a fridge in the medical room.
- The Medical Room First Aider will administer refrigerated medicines required over the lunchtime period. Other medicines will be administered by the teaching assistant attached to your child’s year group. It would be helpful if you could remind your child to go for their medicine at the appropriate time.
- If necessary, medicines will be returned to parents/carers at the end of the day, via your child’s class teacher at dismissal time.
- Our procedures in relation to inhalers remain unchanged in that all inhalers will be stored in the classroom, as appropriate with the child's IHP (individual care plan).
- If the child requires an epipen for a sever allergy, two will be stored in the medical room with the child's individual IHP in a plastic wallet.
- We have spare salbutamol inhalers and epipens to be used in case of an emergency stored in the medical room, the staff room and CATS. If your child has an inhaler or epipen you will be asked to fill in a permission slip for the emergency inhaler or epipen to be administered if the situation arises where their medication has failed, is not available or is unusable.
- When children attend after school clubs parents/carers are responsible for making arrangements for administration of medicines with club providers.
Thank you for you cooperation, which will enable the administration of medicines to run smoothly.
Children should not bring to school any self-administered medicines or remedies, such as Olbas Oil or lip salve. Children can be overly generous, sharing remedies (and germs!) inappropriately with other children.