Home Page


Collis Primary School is committed to improving outcomes and having high expectations for all children who are disadvantaged or have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  We adapt the curriculum, where needed, to ensure pupils make rapid progress and achieve the best possible outcomes to enable them to:


  • Become increasingly fluent in their learning
  • Develop independence for adulthood; and
  • Build resilience for life

We understand that for parents of children with SEND, there can be many difficult paths to navigate.  Sometimes it can be hard to know or find the answers, but we strive to ensure that there is always somebody here to talk through your worries, concerns or queries with.​

Our Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Coordinator is Susie Lord.

If you wish to contact her, please email senco@collis.richmond.sch.uk

To ensure consistency in our Quality First (or 'high quality') teaching, we have developed the following Inclusion Charter which underpins all of our teaching in Collis.


SEND Coffee Mornings

February 2024



Nicola Wilson from Crossroads Care came in to school this week to present at our SEND parent coffee morning and share information about their Saturday Club which is available for any children with SEND from the age of 8.  Please see the flyer below if you were unable to attend and would like more information on this.  The core service which Crossroads provide is respite care for carers, whether for children or adults.  Click here if you would like further information about any of their services.







Useful Information

SEND Local Offer


This is a website containing information about services and support for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities, and their families, in Richmond.




Special Educational Needs and Disability Register


All local authorities must have a record or register of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) in their area. Anyone living in Richmond, whose family includes a child or young person whose has a special educational need or disability is encouraged to register.


Everyone on the register will benefit from:

  • Information about support, services, activities and events
  • Information aimed at young people with disabilities
  • Opportunities to have your say about the services that are important to you
  • The knowledge that your anonymous statistical data is helping us to plan and improve services

Find out more and register on the SEND Local Offer website


Richmond Parent Carer Forum


Richmond Parent Carer Forum (PCF) is an independent group run by parents for parents or carers of children/young people (aged 0 – 25 years) who have any form of special educational need or
disability. Your child does not need an official diagnosis for you to become a member and we
support families of children with any type of additional need including learning difficulties like

We receive funding from the Department for Education and our purpose is to ensure that the voices
of parents, children and young people are heard in the planning and implementation of SEND
services in Richmond. We can also help you to access services and provide valuable peer support,
connecting you with other parents who understand the special joys and challenges of raising a family
with additional needs.


Email: Information@richmondpcf.org.uk
Website: www.richmondpcf.org.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/richmondpcf/

SEND Information, Advice and Support (SENDIASS)


The Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) in Richmond offers advice and support across a wide range of subjects. This may include help with personal budgets and how to use the Local Offer plus:

  • support with understanding reports and letters, attending meetings and preparing for assessments and reviews
  • information and signposting to support services in your area
  • support with Transition and Preparing for Adulthood
  • support with and signposting to mediation
  • advice and support on benefits


This service offers advice to children and young people as well as parents and carers.


Contact details:

Phone: 020 3793 9596
Email:  info@rksendiass.co.uk
Website:  www.rksendiass.co.uk


School Nurse


Contact details for the School Nurse: 


Tel:  03300 581 679

Email:  clcht.0-19wandsworthandrichmondadmin@nhs.net


Information about their service can also be found at:

