In ICT we have covered a range of amazing topics including data handling and coding. My favourite topic in ICT was coding where we used an amazing program that in a few days we were all wonderful coders. "Computers seem so simple now". Sam
In French we were read 'The Hungary Caterpillar' which was fun and we thoroughly enjoyed. We also learnt our numbers to 20 and the French words for ruler, pencil, rubber and pen. Emma and Izzy
In history we have enjoyed learning about the Tudors. We made our Tudor projects along with various other activities. This included our trip to Hampton Court Palace, a letter to Henry as Anne Boleyn, painting poor and rich Tudor people and a diary entry. It was great fun. We also learnt about the Greeks. We did myths and legends, making Greek pots and many other activities. It was wonderful. Anna
In R.E. we learnt about a lot of religions, including Islam and Jewish. Soon after that, the whole class took part in a project which we all really enjoyed. Oscar and Luca
Music is my favourite subject! It inspires me! Music makes me happy! It helps people keep calm and express what's inside. It's just waiting to come out of people's mouths. People can whistle, sing and play drums, clarinet, piano, keyboard and much more. Music is a happy thing. Music is creative, fun, you can play games and we all work well together. You learn solo, instruments, band, people, words and where some music is from. Alana
We particularly enjoyed Literacy in Year 5 and it really felt like we expanded our knowledge greatly. Our favourite lesson in Literacy was when we went to Sky Studios and learnt about different genres and script writing. Grace and Tilly
I loved Year 5 Art because you don't just have to draw a picture and that's an art lesson done. You get to do things such as make your own art mat but that's just the start, you can do some amazing Caribbean art and you're allowed to make a Greek pot which looks amazing and also let's not forget drawing your own mythical creature.
Sport at Collis is great! We do a wide range of sports including football, rugby, tennis and cricket. There are lots of clubs and teams and you also have the chance to do swimming, gymnastics and dancing. Charlie
Science was great because of the experiments such as craters. Whilst studying craters we experimented on them by dropping marbles into the sand. Maxi and Jasper
In geography we had St Lucian day where we wore sunny, vibrant clothes. We all brought in a plate of food. We played rounders and limbo and also had a sand castle competition. Our topic of St Lucia took us from mountains to bananas!!! Eilidh, Hayley, Jacob, Kit and Ed
D.T. is definitely the best subject in Collis' curriculum! For starters, you get shown how to make your very own musical instrument! If your tummy is getting rumbly after all the hard word, then you'll be in for a treat as we are baking and decorating (and of course eating) your own.... COOKIES! Finally, you will be designing and giving life to a St Lucian scene (using cams). We all hope you are looking forward to Year 5! Liv and Issy
In PSHE we loved circle time because it was a very interactive time. We said secrets and they couldn't be told out of the circle. We also learnt about puberty, healthy eating, e-safety and anti-bullying. Archie and Adrian
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