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Here at Collis we provide an exciting science curriculum, where children are encouraged to be curious about the wonderful and natural world around them.  Our curriculum follows the Primary National Curriculum Science Programmes of Study. Lessons are carefully planned and linked to other areas of the curriculum where feasible. There is an emphasis on developing scientific skills such as observation, discussion, experimentation, prediction, recording results and drawing conclusions. We also ensure that children are taught and use accurate scientific vocabulary. Science lessons are designed to stimulate the curiosity of children through practical involvement. In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), children follow the EYFS Curriculum and learn about science through the area of Knowledge and Understanding of the World.


Science is a body of knowledge built up through the experimental testing of ideas.  Science is also methodology, a practical way of finding reliable answers to questions we may ask about the world around us.  Science in the School is about developing children’s ideas and ways of working that enable them to make sense of the world in which they live through investigation, as well as using and applying process skills.  Science is also a collaborative activity where ideas and suggestions are shared and investigated together.  Through practical activities and team work, children experience and learn how to work together have mutual respect for one another and value social cohesion.


The School ensures that a broad and balanced science curriculum is followed in which enquiry is at the heart of our children’s scientific learning. Our science scheme of learning was agreed after whole-staff discussion, its aim is to provide the foundations for understanding the world.  The curriculum is mapped into units; incorporating specific knowledge and skills children will gain by the end of each unit, these are sequenced to build on prior learning progressively through the year groups and key stages.  This organisation of the curriculum ensures progression between year groups and guarantees topics are revisited.  Teachers adapt and modify the model plans to suit their children’s interests, current events, their own teaching style, the use of any support staff and the resources available.  To better suit the needs of individual classes or mixed-ability groups, units may have been moved between years or amalgamated, where appropriate.  However, science is taught every half term throughout the school year.  Some units may be taught in collaboration with outside agencies.


Science lends itself to many cross-curricular links, which are planned, to support children in meeting their English targets, demonstrate a variety of maths skills and apply other learning through the subject. Real-life experiences enhance learning in Science, enabling children to gain knowledge and skills not just in the classroom, but also through engaging activities such as:

  • Visits to our onsite nature area to search for Minibeasts
  • Trips to Kew Gardens to explore different plants from around the world
  • Excursions to Bushy Park and The Stockyard educational centre



Children at Collis make very good progress in science, regularly outperforming the local borough and national averages. End of key stage results for 2018 show that at the end of Key Stage 2, 92%(2016 – 95%) of Collis pupils attained the expected standard for science compared to a Richmond Borough attainment of 90% (89%) and national attainment of 82% (82%). Results at Key Stage 1 are similarly impressive with 95% (2016-88%) attaining the expected standard compared to the borough average of 91% (91%) and the national average of 83% (83%). For internal purposes, progress is assessed and recorded at the end of every half term unit.


The special events noted above have had a tangible effect on engagement with science. For example, as a result of Recycling Week and providing recycling stations and monitors, the school’s recycling of rubbish has improved significantly. Visits and shows have also enthused the children for science and inspired them to consider a career in science.


Attention to resourcing of science lessons has enabled all children to design and take part in class experiments, which results in deeper scientific understanding and enjoyment.


STEAM Week 14.03.22-18.03.22


On Monday we launched STEAM week with an exciting assembly in which the STEAM Team conducted an experiment to propel a balloon all the way across the hall! They succeeded but the next challenge was whether they could get it up to the balcony! In today's assembly and against the odds, we managed to beat gravity and friction to propel a balloon from the hall floor up to the balcony! 


Across the school children have been taking part in exciting activities designed to bring together the STEAM subjects and celebrate diversity within the STEAM. We hope you enjoy reading about them!


​Please see the prize giving STEAM pdf for the winning entries!